Chairman Green Announces Second Hearing in Mayorkas Impeachment Proceedings, Featuring Americans Impacted by the Secretary’s Border Crisis

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) announced a second hearing continuing the impeachment proceedings against Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for Thursday, January 18, 2024, at 9:30 AM ET. This hearing will examine the consequences of Secretary Mayorkas’ intentional border crisis to Americans across the country, with testimony from those who have been impacted by his refusal to enforce the laws of the United States:

“The human cost of Secretary Mayorkas’ failed leadership and decision-making is truly immeasurable. Due to his refusal to uphold his oath of office, tens of thousands of families have suffered the devasting loss of loved ones due to the smuggling of fentanyl across our open Southwest border, law enforcement at our borders and across the country have been completely overwhelmed, and countless Americans and migrants have lost their lives at the hands of vicious cartels and gang members. 
“The American people have rightfully demanded an end to this unprecedented crisis, and Homeland Republicans will not back down. These solemn proceedings concern a refusal to enforce and follow the law. This Committee does not take this process lightly, and neither do the witnesses who will share how they have been impacted by Secretary Mayorkas’ refusal to enforce the laws passed by Congress. This Committee will continue to hold him accountable for his actions and their consequences.”

The first hearing of the Committee’s impeachment proceedings evaluated the impacts of the crisis not just on border states, but states throughout the heartland. Members questioned witnesses on how Secretary Mayorkas is directly responsible for creating and perpetuating the crisis by refusing to enforce the laws passed by Congress and clarified by the courts. These impeachment proceedings follow the Committee’s comprehensive and year-long investigation into the causes, costs, and consequences of the unprecedented crisis at America’s borders.

WHAT: A House Committee on Homeland Security hearing entitled, “Voices for the Victims: The Heartbreaking Reality of the Mayorkas Border Crisis.”
DATE: Thursday, January 18, 2024
TIME: 9:30 AM ET
LOCATION: 310 Cannon House Office Building
Witnesses will be announced and are by invitation only.
The hearing will be livestreamed on YouTube and the Committee’s website
