Rep. Green Passes Five Bills in the House Via the FY25 NDAA

WASHINGTON—Today, five FY25 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) amendments offered by Rep. Mark Green passed the House. 

Of his amendment that shifts Mexico from the area of responsibility of the United States Northern Command to the United States Southern Command, Rep. Green said, 

“SOUTHCOM has played a pivotal role in drug interdiction efforts through its detection and monitoring activities. It is the most equipped mission command to handle the drugs flowing across the Southwest border, among its other responsibilities. This is a strong step forward to securing our Southwest border and protecting Americans from President Biden’s fentanyl crisis.” 

Of his amendment that directs the Commander of Army Special Operations Command to establish an exchange program between Army special operations forces and the special operations forces of the Polish Army, Rep. Green said, 

“NATO has helped contribute to relative global peace for seven decades. And with a malign China and an increasingly aggressive Russia, we need strong allies that share our values. The Chinese Communist Party and the Putin regime would like nothing more than to weaken NATO’s influence—we cannot concede any ground. This amendment honors the long friendship our two nations have shared—going all the way back to the Founding of the United States—by creating a training program with both American and Polish special operations forces. In addition, my amendment enhances the national security and defensive capabilities of the U.S. and Poland—playing a critical role in the strengthened cooperation between ournations.” 

Of his amendment that prohibits the Secretary of Defense from providing any support for the production of a film subject to content restrictions or censorship screening requirements from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or government of the People's Republic of China (PRC), Rep. Green said, 

We can’t have a totalitarian regime influencing American culture, especially not if it means creating a culture that stands in opposition to fundamental American principles. From the arts and sciences to journalism and politics, the freedom of thought and expression is imperative to a free society. And this is precisely why giving the CCP access to edit, censor, or green light American films is such a threat to American culture and American institutions.” 

Of his amendment that mandates that the Department of Defense produce a report to Congress on the feasibility of furnishing the National Guard of every state a cyber unit to ensure the state has the ability to quickly respond to cyber attacks, Rep. Green said, 

“Malign actors are rapidly developing capabilities that have the potential to wreak havoc on critical U.S. infrastructure. It’s mission-critical that every state’s National Guard possess the ability to respond to cyber attacks.”

Of his amendment that requires the Secretary of Defense to ensure that the Department maintains access to a top-tier subterranean training facility for the improvement of training for Special Operations Forces (SOF) units, Rep. Green said, 

As we march deeper into the 21st century, warfare will continue to evolve, and that includes increased threats from subterranean warfare. From underground facilities to terror tunnels, our servicemembers need to have the skill and expertise to deal with threats from underground combatants. As our adversaries grow stronger, it’s mission-critical that our military maintains a strategic advantage. We want to give our soldiers the best chance to take on unfamiliar situations and complete their missions safely and effectively. By providing subterranean training for our special operations forces, we are helping to ensure their success.” 
