Chairman Green on Border Security Threats Posed by CCP: Democrats’ Talking Points on Our Investigation “Coming Right Out of the CCP”

WASHINGTON, D.C. ––Today, House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) joined Fox Business’ Mornings with Maria to discuss the unprecedented increase in illegal crossings by Chinese nationals at the Southwest border and the potential homeland security threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). Chairman Green also discussed the Committee’s ongoing oversight of suspect contracts awarded by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that profit from the intentional crisis at the Southwest border.


Watch Chairman Green’s full interview here.

On the unprecedented increase in apprehensions of Chinese nationals illegally crossing the Southwest border between ports of entry, Chairman Green said:
“The real concern is this incredible spike here in the past 18 months. Last year we had about 20,000 Chinese nationals come in [illegally]. This year, so far in six months, we’ve had 24,000––that’s more than the 13 years prior to President Biden being in office.”
“We have these reports from the Wall Street Journal of over 100 intrusions to our military installations with Chinese nationals posing as tourists, taking pictures, [and] things like that. This is very concerning.”
“The fact that the Democrats don’t seem to care––really their talking points are coming right out of the CCP.”
“I’m not suggesting that [the illegal crossings] are directed. I am suggesting that it’s very concerning, and we need to look at it. They are not vetting these guys. They decreased the vetting from 40 questions to five to speed people into the country. [The Biden administration] is overwhelmed because they created a migration crisis. We have an enemy, China, who is clearly doing everything that they can to upset the current world order and take over as the hegemon of the world. […] We’ve got these tens of thousands of people coming in, and that is something we should consider as a national security risk.”
“I’ve got a source that has told me several of them are connected––over a thousand connected to the CCP with prior participation in the People’s Liberation Army (PLA). They’re just being released into our country. This is unacceptable, and we need to dig into it.”
On suspect ICE contracts awarded to NGOs providing benefits and services to illegal aliens at the border, Chairman Green said:  
“That’s why in H.R. 2, the bill that we passed in the House, we stripped all of that money out of the budget. Of course, Chuck Schumer has no interest in passing it on the Senate side. The NGOs––this is a big, big problem.”
“Some of the contracts, Endeavors in particular––it was a noncompetitive bid and went to individuals who previously worked at [DHS]. We are digging into this. We’ve done transcribed interviews [and] our oversight is ongoing […].”
