Rep. Green’s Resolution Honors the Father of Country Music—Hank Williams 

NASHVILLE, Tenn—This week, Rep. Mark Green, Co-Chair of the bipartisan Congressional Musicians’ Caucus, honored Hank Williams’ 100th birthday with a Congressional Resolution endorsed by the Academy of Country Music. 

Rep. Green said, “Hank Williams left an incalculable legacy on American music and culture. His impact has lasted long past his tragically short life, with his powerful words and emotional notes becoming a staple of the American music scene since his debut in the 1940’s. As the father of modern country music, it is only fitting to honor the 100th birthday of the “Hillbilly Shakespeare” alongside my fellow representatives from Tennessee and Hank’s hometown in Alabama. I appreciate the Academy of Country Music for its endorsement of my Resolution. Without Hank, Music City wouldn’t be what it is today. His ongoing influence can be heard every night on the streets of Nashville, in concert halls and radio stations throughout America, and even in Sunday morning church services. It’s an honor to celebrate the father of country music and his legacy.”

Rep. Doggett said, “As Co-Chair of the Congressional Musicians’ Caucus, I join in sponsoring this resolution, which strikes a chord not just in the halls of Congress, but in the hearts of millions of Americans. Nearing Hank Williams's centennial birthday, we celebrate a man whose music has served as the soundtrack for the lives of so many. Hank wasn't just a country legend; he was an American icon whose timeless melodies and lyrics have influenced generations of musicians, including some of those most beloved today like Willie Nelson and Lyle Lovett. This resolution celebrates his great impact on our Nation's cultural heritage.” 

Rep. Moore said, “I am proud to join this resolution honoring the legacy of the father of modern country music and a native son of Alabama’s Second District. Thousands of people flock to his hometown of Georgiana, Alabama, each year to celebrate him at the Hank Williams Festival. His timeless music continues to influence musicians and inspire listeners in Alabama and across the country.”

Rep. Rose said, “Hank Williams not only left a resounding impact on Nashville, but the entire United States. To this day, his life, talent, and music serve as an inspiration to all Americans pursuing their dreams. On the 100th anniversary of his birth, it’s only fitting Congress recognizes the man who made country music what it is today.” 

Rep. Ogles said, "Hank William's brilliance is found in his bold retellings of the human experience combined with electrifying country-blues melodies. His music unites Americans no matter their creeds, and Hank's voice remains the cornerstone of America's greatest music genre. Hank William's accomplishments are so commendable it would take an act of Congress to recognize them, so I am glad to oblige."

Representatives Lloyd Doggett (D-TX), Andy Ogles (R-TN), John Rose (R-TN), Barry Moore (R-AL), Ryan Zinke (R-MT), Randy Weber (R-TX), Morgan Griffith (R-VA), and Chip Roy (R-TX) cosponsored this Resolution. 

You can read the resolution here
