July 12, 2023 

Rep. Green Strengthens National Defense and Strategic Alliances in 2024 NDAA

WASHINGTON—Rep. Mark Green’s amendments to strengthen our national defense and an important historic alliance made it into the House Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This includes an amendment requiring the Department of Defense (DoD) to report on the national security benefits of providing cyber capabilities to all state National Guards and another requiring the DoD to maintain access to a top-tier subterranean facility for Special Operations Forces (SOF) training. 

Rep. Green said: “With China opening facilities in Cuba to monitor millions of Americans, the mass number of individuals illegally crossing our Southwest border, and the use of Chinese-made cranes at our major ports, the National Guard must have the cyber capabilities required to keep us safe. My amendment will require the Department of Defense to take action in the face of these threats and determine what cyber capabilities our National Guardsmen need to protect the American people.” Green continued, “Our military readiness directly correlates to our ability to deter internal and external threats. With top-of-the-line subterranean training facilities, our servicemembers will have access to the training required to maintain a strategic advantage over our adversaries in future conflicts.”

Rep. Green’s amendment to establish a Polish-American Special Operations Forces (SOF) military exchange training program also made it into the NDAA.  

Green said, “The history between the United States and Poland can be traced back to the Revolutionary War. Without the extraordinary efforts of General Kosciuszko during our War of Independence, the outcome of our founding may have looked very different. Since the end of the Cold War, our two nations have stood together against the threat of communism and authoritarianism. A Special Operations Forces exchange program would be a major step in strengthening our alliance and military readiness against the rising threat of Communist China and Putin’s Russia.”

You can read about his General Thaddeus Kosciuszko Memorial Exchange Program For Polish-American Defense Cooperation Act here.