What They Are Saying: Homeland Republicans Launch Mayorkas Investigation with Preliminary Report, Full Committee Hearing

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Last week, the House Committee on Homeland Security launched a full-scale investigation and preliminary report detailing Secretary Mayorkas’ dereliction of duty at our Southwest border and the crisis he has now created at our maritime and Northern borders. To announce the launch, Chairman Mark E. Green, MD (R-TN) joined Members of the Committee to address the media before leading a full Committee hearing.

“Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has been willfully derelict in his duties as Secretary of Homeland Security. He has disregarded his oath to the Constitution by ignoring the basic tenets of that Constitution.”

“The massive millions upon millions of people have crossed our southern border because the secretary of Homeland Security removed 89 policies from two previous administrations. The cause is simple, migrants tested the system, they called home, and millions came because of the secretary’s catch-and-release policies. No detention, immediate parole. And the drug cartels seized on the opportunity.”

“Today, the United States Congress, under the leadership of Speaker McCarthy and the Republicans, myself, as Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, and the Members of our Committee began a five-phase deep dive into the causes, and Secretary Mayorkas’ orchestration, of this tragedy.”

“What we know right now is that Secretary Mayorkas has either violated or subverted at least ten laws passed by the United States Congress. He has ignored multiple court orders to cease and desist his activities. The blatant disregard for the Constitution of the United States, which states that the United States Congress passes the laws and the executive branch executes those laws, is just scratching the surface of the harm Secretary Mayorkas’ dereliction of duty has done to our country.”

“And the most egregious of all, at least to this former soldier, Secretary Mayorkas has put the national security of the United States at risk.”

Read and watch highlights of the media’s coverage below. 

“We laid out very specific cases of where the Secretary is not faithfully executing the law […] and millions of Americans see this every day, but we outlined it in chapter and verse about the policies that were torn down and the policies that were instituted […] It is a crisis by design.”
“It’s so incompetent it has to be intentional. […] Here are the Border Patrol experts on Capitol Hill yesterday to let Mayorkas know how much he is failing.” 

Bloomberg: House Republicans Escalate Investigation Against Homeland Secretary Mayorkas
“Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green (R-Tenn.) on Wednesday kicked off a long-promised investigation into Mayorkas and his alleged ‘dereliction of duty’ on securing the US-Mexico border, which has seen record migrant encounters during much of President Joe Biden’s term. […] Green and other members of the Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday unveiled a 55-page accounting of their complaints about Mayorkas and Biden’s border policies ahead of a hearing whose title declares the secretary’s alleged failures a ‘closed case.’ The panel will conduct a five-phase investigation and pass along its findings to the House Judiciary Committee, which would lead any future impeachment proceedings, Green said at a press conference. The chairman stressed that he isn’t using the word impeachment yet and is focused on investigating ‘the failures of this secretary.’”

USA Today: Mayorkas hearing comes as Republicans launch border investigation
“House Republicans on Wednesday morning launched an investigation into Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas over allegations he has not properly managed the southwest border. Mayorkas has faced sharp criticism from Republicans over his leadership of Department of Homeland Security as migrants attempt to cross into the country from the southern border. He was also condemned for not better preparing for the end of Title 42, a pandemic-era policy that shut down most avenues to asylum for migrants. Homeland Security Committee Chair Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., announced the start of the investigation ahead of a hearing on border security and immigration policy. Green said at a press conference that Mayorkas has been ‘willfully derelict in his duties’ and cast blame on the secretary of Homeland Security for an increase in migrant crossings and the deaths of Americans due to drug overdoses. […] Green said at the press conference that his committee will now begin ‘a five phase deep dive into the causes and Secretary Mayorkas’ orchestration’ of what Republicans view as a crisis at the southern border.” 
Daily Mail: Republicans kick off probe, saying he ‘blatantly lied’ to Congress 58 times
“House Republicans are beginning their formal investigation into Alejandro Mayorkas’ ‘dereliction of duty’ as they weigh whether to pursue impeachment of the Homeland Security secretary. In a press conference Wednesday Homeland Security Chairman Mark Green said the secretary had demonstrated a ‘failure to understand what’s going on at the border’ and had ‘either violated or subverted’ at least 10 U.S. laws.  Asked specifically what the legal basis for the accusation was, Green said Mayorkas had lied to Congress and failed to do his job of securing the border. ‘Mayorkas has blatantly lied to the United States Congress under oath on multiple occasions and lied to the American people at least 58 times.’ […] He said his investigation has five phases. Once it’s complete, he’ll hand the findings off to the Judiciary Committee, which will decide whether to pursue impeachment.  ‘We haven’t even gotten to that word, that process. Our goal here is we’re starting with what you have here, and we’re going to get more information.’”
Roll Call: House GOP releases border report critical of Homeland Security chief
“House Republicans released a report Wednesday blaming Biden administration officials for high migration levels at the U.S.-Mexico border […] Homeland Security Chairman Mark E. Green told reporters Wednesday that the report represents the first phase in a ‘five-phase deep dive’ into the causes of the high migration levels.The report concludes that Biden administration officials ‘have proven directly responsible for the historic border crisis still ongoing today.’ And Mayorkas, the report states, ‘bears particular responsibility for the devastating crisis that has unfolded and expanded on his watch and due to his policies.’ […] Following the release of the report, the Homeland Security committee held a hearing it described as a step to ‘kick off’ an investigation of Mayorkas’ ‘dereliction of duty.’”
Fox News: House Republicans set to kick off ‘dereliction of duty’ hearing aimed at DHS Secretary Mayorkas
“House Republicans are poised to launch an investigation into alleged ‘dereliction of duty’ by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas during a Wednesday hearing. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., will hold a press conference Wednesday laying out allegations against the Cabinet member. Green’s committee will also hold a hearing in which several border security experts will testify regarding the secretary’s handling of the border. ‘I gave 24 years of my life as service as an army officer, and I know what dereliction of duty looks like. Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has been willfully derelict in his duties as secretary of Homeland Security, has disregarded his oath to the Constitution by ignoring the basic tenets of that Constitution,’ Green said during a Wednesday press conference. […] Illegal Immigration has skyrocketed at the U.S.-Mexico border under the leadership of Mayorkas and President Biden.”
Law360: House GOP Report SaysMayorkas Ignored Border Warnings
“Republican members of the House Committee on Homeland Security said in a 55-page report that since President Joe Biden took office, more than 5.2 million migrants had been apprehended for unlawful crossings at the southwestern border alone and that the numbers were the result of the Biden administration, and particularly Mayorkas, rolling back numerous border-security policies such as the Trump-era Title 42 border policy in May, which authorized the rapid removal of migrants during the COVID-19 pandemic. In continuing a push for an investigation into Mayorkas, they said that the most ‘egregious aspect’ of the border crisis was that it was ‘intentional.’ ‘As commander-in-chief, Biden’s culpability is clear. However, Congress has a duty to examine and investigate Mayorkas’ role in this crisis, as well,’ the report states. […] Factoring in apprehensions at the United States’ Northern and maritime borders, the committee majority report states that more than 6.1 million individuals had been apprehended for entering the U.S. unlawfully. Within the first full month of Biden and Mayorkas being in office, the report states that U.S. Customs and Border Protection averaged over 3,000 daily apprehensions at the southwest border, amounting to over 101,000 a month.”
Washington Examiner: Republicans launch investigation into ‘Mayorkas’s dereliction of duty’
“House Republicans have launched an investigation to determine whether Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has neglected to carry out his duties amid the country’s border crisis. ‘Today, the United States Congress, under the leadership of Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and the Republicans, myself, as chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, and the members of our committee began a five-phase deep dive into Secretary Mayorkas’s orchestration of this tragedy,’ House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green (R-TN) said during a press conference at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday morning. […] Green debuted a 55-page report that outlined seven ways that Mayorkas’s leadership has resulted in negative ‘consequences’  for the U.S. The report is titled ‘Causes, Costs, and Consequences: Why Secretary Mayorkas must be investigated for his border crisis.’ It listed how the Biden administration stopped border wall construction, rescinded ‘Remain in Mexico’ asylum protocols, and ceased asylum cooperative agreements with Central American countries.”
NewsNation: House GOP members launch investigation into Mayorkas
“On Wednesday, the House Committee on Homeland Security held a hearing, called ‘Open Borders, Closed Case: Secretary Mayorkas’ Dereliction of Duty on the Border Crisis,’ […] Still, cities are grappling with the number of migrants who have already entered the country as U.S. Customs and Border Protection saw record numbers of crossings in the last year. […] Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., the Homeland Security Committee’s chairman, has accused Mayorkas of making reckless policy decisions. Since Mayorkas’ first day in office, Green said Wednesday, the American people ‘have suffered from a national security, humanitarian and public safety disaster’ at the southern border — a disaster the lawmaker said has turned ‘every city into a border city and every state into a border state.’ Green claimed a ‘mountain of evidence’ gathered by the Homeland Security Committee shows Mayorkas violated nearly one dozen statutes and court orders, and issued guidance making it harder for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to deport people. ‘Upon assuming office, he immediately went to work reversing and tearing down the effective border policies of the last two administrations, replacing them with an open borders policy,’ Green said.”
Washington Times: House GOP starts investigation ito Mayorkas over ‘dereliction of duty’
“Committee Chairman Mark Green, Tennessee Republican, released a lengthy report detailing Mr. Mayorkas’ record after two years in office. He said the record includes rollbacks of effective Trump-era policies and changes that invited unprecedented chaos at the southern border. ‘What we know right now is Secretary Mayorkas has either violated or subverted at least 10 laws passed by the Congress of the United States,’ Mr. Green said. The lawmaker laid at Mr. Mayorkas’ feet the deaths of Americans from fentanyl overdoses, killings attributed to illegal immigrants and the deaths of thousands of migrants trying to jump the border. Mr. Green said it’s too early to discuss impeachment. He said his investigation will end with a recommendation to the Judiciary Committee, which oversees impeachment proceedings. […] Rep. Clay Higgins of Louisiana said Republicans ‘take no pleasure’ in investigating Mr. Mayorkas but feel obligated to make a case for the public.”
Fox News: Ex-Border Patrol chief says letting migrants into US was ‘only agenda’ of DHS when Mayorkas took office
“Allowing more migrants to cross the border into the U.S. was the only thing on the agenda for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas when he entered power with President Biden’s administration, former Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott testified Wednesday. Scott made the statement under questioning from the House Homeland Security Committee during a hearing focused on Mayorkas’ alleged ‘dereliction of duty.’ The former federal official testified that Mayorkas is ‘not incompetent,’ and that he knew what effect his policies would have. ‘Do you know firsthand if Customs and Border Patrol agents actually advised Mr. Mayorkas and said, ‘Hey you need to reverse these policies to stop this tidal wave that’s coming into the United States’?’ asked Rep. Carlos Gimenez, R-Fla. ‘He was informed verbally. He was informed in writing,’ Scott said. ‘I think it’s important for everybody to understand [that] everything fundamentally changed. When I worked for Secretary [Chad] Wolf, we had team meetings, we were asked for our input. We were told, ‘Over your career, what works and what doesn’t work?’ On Jan. 20, 2021, that all got shut off.’”
Straight Arrow News: House GOP investigating Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for dereliction of duty
“The House Homeland Security Committee is opening an investigation into what members call Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas’ ‘dereliction of duty.’ Committee Chairman Mark Green, R-Tenn., said they will consider making an impeachment recommendation to the Judiciary Committee when the investigation is over. ‘The legal basis is the violation of the law, lying to Congress, those are all dereliction of duty,’ Chairman Green told reporters.  According to the committee, this investigation is focused on determining whether Mayorkas has violated his oath, failed to carry out his constitutional obligations to the homeland and been derelict in his duty. […] Since the Biden administration began, 5.2 million people have crossed illegally which critics contend has led to record profits for cartels participating in human and drug smuggling. Republicans also criticized Mayorkas and the administration for ending measures like Migrant Protection Protocols and border wall construction.”
The National Desk: House Republicans launch investigation into Mayorkas over handling of immigration, border control
“House Republicans announced on Wednesday that they would be starting an investigation into Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for what they describe as dereliction of duty in his handling of security at the U.S.-Mexico border. Republicans on the House Committee on Homeland Security released a preliminary report that they said outlines why an investigation into Mayorkas is necessary. The 55-page report details Trump-era immigration policies that were changed or revoked by the Biden administration and Mayorkas, which Republicans argue led to the record levels of illegal crossings and encounters at the border. […] Included in the report are ending the ‘Remain in Mexico’ policy, construction of the border wall and the end of Title 42, which officials feared would bring an influx of people to the southern border, a scenario that did not come to pass as border crossings went down following its lifting. ‘This investigation is focused on determining whether Mayorkas has violated his oath, failed to carry out his constitutional obligations to the homeland, and been derelict in his duty, and thus deserving of greater accountability,’ the report says.”