Rep. Green Introduces ‘Commonsense’ Bill to Protect ‘Commonsense’ States

NASHVILLE—Today, Rep. Mark Green introduced his States Choose Commonsense Act to protect states like Tennessee that define sex as male and female from losing federal funding.

Rep. Green said, “Even a newborn knows the difference between men and women. It’s common sense. But today, even the most basic aspects of gender are being called into question—and with disastrous consequences. Radical gender ideology is harming an entire generation and confusing many Americans who desperately need help. Too many children are being indoctrinated in radical gender theory at school without the knowledge of their parents. This bill will give families another tool with which to fight back.” 

He continued, “My bill will protect states that define men and women according to their biological sex from being targeted by out-of-control and overreaching federal agencies. The Biden administration has already weaponized Title X funding against states that choose to promote life instead of abortion, and it is laying the groundwork to punish states that choose the commonsense definition of ‘sex’. Federalism is at the core of our founding; we cannot allow the federal government to bully states that practice commonsense.”

Background: Tennessee recently passed a law defining “sex” as a person’s immutable biological sex as determined by anatomy and genetics at the time of birth. Tennessee’s Joint Fiscal Review Committee estimates the state may lose roughly $2 billion in federal funds because of this legislation. This will occur if the Biden administration follows its modus operandi and penalizes states for going against federal government rules such as the Department of Education’s requirement that schools “respect” a student’s gender identity. In fact, this administration has already threatened to hold school lunches hostage if they do not allow students to use the bathroom of their choice, regardless of their biological sex. 

Additionally, the Biden administration already took this approach when it comes to abortion laws. After Tennessee passed its bill protecting the life of the unborn, Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services stripped Tennessee of Title X funding. In response, Rep. Mark Green introduced the States Choose Life Act. This legislation protects Tennesseans from losing important healthcare benefits because the State of Tennessee chose to protect the lives of the unborn. 

Read the bill here

Read the exclusive in the Washington Examiner here.

Read more in the Tennessee Star here.  
