Green, Gallagher Issue Statement on New DHS Supply Chain Resilience Center

WASHINGTON, DC – Rep. Mark Green, MD (R-TN), chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, and Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), chairman of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, released the following statement following the Biden administration’s announcement to create a Supply Chain Resilience Center within the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

“Over the last eight months, the Committee on Homeland Security and the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party have been investigating critical vulnerabilities at U.S. seaports and exploring potential solutions to mitigate the extraordinary threats posed by the Chinese Communist Party. While we welcome this announcement by DHS—and indeed it shows the department finally acting to meet requirements put in place by the Committee on Homeland Security during the last Congress—we must do more. The threats facing our seaports demand a whole-of-industry change in how we protect our port infrastructure, procure equipment, and ensure the free flow of U.S. goods and services both domestically and abroad. The CCP, in particular, represents an existential threat to U.S. security, and will use every lever of power to gain an advantage over the United States and our partners and allies. DHS must be diligent to ensure their Supply Chain Resilience Center follows through on its mission and does not just become another layer of bureaucracy with once-high ambitions.”

Read more about threats posed to U.S. ports and the global supply chain:

Pentagon Sees Giant Cargo Cranes as Possible Chinese Spying Tools

Congress Seeks Details on Spying Risks From Chinese Cargo Cranes
