Rep. Mark Green Statement on New Defense Executive Order for K2 Veterans
WASHINGTON—Rep. Mark Green issued the following statement on Acting Defense Secretary Miller’s draft Executive Order backing his bipartisan legislation on K2 veterans’ toxic exposure:
“I was honored that Acting Secretary Miller’s office reached out to mine a few weeks ago about modeling an Executive Order on the legislation I introduced with Chairman Lynch. After introducing this bill back in February, and working with Chairman Lynch throughout the year on a Congressional investigation into the hazardous conditions at K2, I’m pleased that the Administration is considering efforts to champion this cause. It’s far past time that we offer our K2 veterans the answers and care they have deserved for nearly two decades.”
“As a fellow special operator veteran who passed through K2, Acting Secretary Miller understands how crucial this fight is for our veterans. We ask our special operators to carry out the some of the most mission-critical operations for freedom around the world. It’s shameful that previous Administrations didn’t address this toxic exposure—we must right this wrong. President Trump is a tireless champion of our veterans, and I am confident he will see how important it is to fight for those who fought for us.”
Following the introduction of Rep. Green’s K2 Veterans Toxic Exposure Accountability Act with Chairman Lynch in February, K2 veterans have seen a string of successes: the Department of Veterans Affairs agreed to do a comprehensive study, Rep. Green’s legislation requiring the Department of Defense to study K2 was included in the NDAA, and his initiative granting K2 veterans access to the burn pit registry passed the House today.
“This draft Executive Order is another crucial step forward,” Green said. “We will continue this fight and we will not stop.”