WASHINGTON -- Ahead of Independence Day, Rep. Mark Green released the following statement:
“On July 4th, citizens across America will celebrate our nation with family, food, fireworks and other displays of patriotism. There’s a lot to celebrate – we live in the freest, most prosperous country in the history of the world.
“But we also should take a step back and appreciate the bigger picture. 223 years ago, our Founders signed their name to the Declaration of Independence -- a declaration of treason that would have earned them the death penalty in the British Empire. That document was a bold statement summed up in one word: freedom. At that time most nations were monarchies, where the king’s wishes were never unsatisfied. Our founders created a system of government of the people which led to the expansion of freedom across the globe.
“No, they did not complete the work. It took Abraham Lincoln, and Martin Luther King, Jr. and so many other Americans to continue the fight for freedom. But our nation from its beginnings has advanced the boundaries of freedom with every breath. The result of this advancement of freedom has been the unleashing of the American Spirit of ingenuity, determination, sacrifice, and service. These traits compelled us to free the world from tyranny on numerous occasions, build the largest economy in the history of man, and continue the pursuit of freedom here at home.
“As my family and I celebrate our Independence Day, our thoughts will be on the men and women whose sacrifice earned our freedom and opened the door to our prosperity today.”