WASHINGTON – Rep. Mark Green reacted to news that Iran shot down a U.S. drone with the following statement:

“Iran is lashing out attacking drones and tankers because the sanctions are working. Last time they did this they were able to bluff their way into the Iran Deal – a disastrous deal Iran never signed or followed. Unlike Obama, President Trump won’t back down.

“Our European allies must not waver either. We need a united front against the Islamic Republic, which is the largest state sponsor of terrorism worldwide. 

“The real issue is Iran wants a nuclear weapon, and they are working every day to develop one. But they are not a normal regime. They are despotic, barbaric and support terrorism against Israel, the United States, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen and Afghanistan. A suicide bomb measured in kilotons is a whole other level threat. The world will not let it happen.”

Just last week, Iran attacked two commercial tankers near the Strait of Hormuz.
