Rep. Green Statement on the Baseless Impeachment of President Donald Trump
WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green voted NO on the baseless articles of impeachment introduced in a desperate attempt by Speaker Pelosi and Democrat leaders to undo the Presidential election and nullify the votes of 63 million Americans.
Today marked only the third time in American history that the U.S. House of Representatives has voted to impeach a duly and democratically elected President.
Green said, “Today is a tragic day for our Nation. The left has never been able to accept the verdict of the American people in the 2016 election. They hate President Donald Trump. They hate what 63 million Americans voted for.”
“The President didn’t commit an impeachable offense,” said Green. “The American people who elected him didn’t do anything wrong. We’re going to continue to stand for democracy. We’re going to continue to stand against what the left is trying to do. It’s tyranny.”
“The American people will hold Democrats responsible for their unceasing attacks on this President,” Green continued. “They have subverted the will of the people and have trampled upon our Constitutional order.”