Rep. Mark Green Statement on Today's Joint Session of Congress

WASHINGTON—Today, Rep. Mark Green released the following statement:

“Since the election, I've heard from countless Tennesseans who have serious doubts about the integrity of the 2020 presidential election. Here in the United States, the right of citizens to elect their leaders is the bedrock of our exceptional nation. Any single illegal vote counted means another American's vote has been disenfranchised.

Moments from now, in the Joint Session of Congress, I will be a voice for my constituents and join in objecting to the slates of electors from certain states. Every opportunity we have to examine the evidence and debate it for the American people to see should be welcomed, not feared. Worse than a slight delay or inconvenience is a divided nation with serious doubts about their elections.

While today’s certification of electoral votes by Congress is the final step in this election, it cannot, and will not be the end of our fight to ensure fair and free elections in the future. I will continue to fight for stronger election laws for our Republic.”
